تصنيع وتصميم أدوات المائدة التي تستخدم لمرة واحدة
شركة Greenwood (Dalian) Industrial Co.، Ltd.
البريد الإلكتروني: info@woodencutlery.cn
منزل / تتبع الطلب

Track Your Orders Easily

When our order is officially opened, you can timely know the progress of order execution through our online order tracking system,For example:in the process of production, when we have started shipping Ensure that we work efficiently and strictly Quality Assurance. Although you are not at our work site, we will let you know the progress of each order in time.

What's Your Order Status?

Order Confirmation

After each customer signs the contract, we will assign a unique order number, which can be used to track the progress of the order on our official website.

Production Scheduling

Following order confirmation, clients will have a clear understanding of the production schedule, including the start and estimated completion dates.

Material Procurement

Clients will have transparent access to the progress of material procurement, ensuring all necessary materials are ready and avoiding potential supply chain delays.

Production Process Tracking

We provide real-time tracking of the production process, including progress on the production line, quality inspections, and assembly stages.

Quality Control and Inspection

Clients will be informed of our quality control measures, including in-process inspections, to ensure products meet standards and specifications.

Packaging and Shipping

Clients will be informed about the packaging and shipping processes, including protective measures and estimated delivery dates.

Delivery and Feedback

Once the product is ready for delivery, clients will receive notification and tracking information. Upon receiving the product, clients can provide feedback to help us continually improve our products and services.

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